Mission Sunday
As we step into 2025, we are reminded that the Great Commission is at the heart of God’s calling for His people. On Mission Sunday, Rev. Monica Choo challenges us to align our lives with God’s mission—to GO, MAKE DISCIPLES, and IMPACT the nations for Christ (Matthew 28:19). Building on Vision Sunday, where we were called to be steadfast, immovable, and abounding in God’s work, we now take that faith into action.
Missions is not just for a select few—it is the mandate for every believer. Whether through prayer, giving, or going, we all have a role in spreading the Gospel and fulfilling Christ’s mission. Let us rise in obedience and faith, bringing hope to the lost, reaching the unreached, and advancing God’s kingdom together. Will you answer the call?
📖 Key Scripture: Matthew 28:19 – “Go and make disciples of all nations…” 📲 Access sermon slides & announcements: https://linktr.ee/elimchurchsg