Be Steadfast in God’s Grace
Last Sunday, Pastor Derek Foo reminded us of the life-changing power of God’s grace through the story of the Apostle Paul. Once a persecutor of Christians, Paul’s life was radically transformed—not by his achievements, but by God’s unmerited favor.
Key Takeaways from the Sermon:
1️⃣ Grace Defines Our Identity – Paul declared, “By the grace of God, I am what I am.” (1 Cor 15:10) No matter our past failures, mistakes, or regrets, God’s grace gives us a new identity in Christ. He reshapes us like a potter molds clay, making us new creations.
2️⃣ Grace Strengthens Us – Life brings challenges, hardships, and struggles, but God’s grace empowers us to persevere. Just as the wind fills the sail of a boat, grace propels us forward, giving us the strength to overcome obstacles and live out our calling.
3️⃣ Grace Inspires Our Service – God’s grace is not just meant for us to receive—it must also flow through us to bless others. We are not reservoirs of grace but channels of God’s love and kindness. When we serve in humility, compassion, and sacrifice, we reflect Christ to the world.
🔑 Key Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:10
As we enter this new week, may we be steadfast in God’s grace, trusting in His love, strength, and purpose for our lives. Let’s embrace grace, extend it to others, and live transformed lives for His glory!
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